Friday, August 21, 2020

Ocean Park Brand Equity free essay sample

To Evaluate the Brand Equity of Ocean Park Table of Contents Title1 Acknowledgement4 Abstract5 Chapter 1 Introduction6 1. 1Industry Background7 1. 2Statement of issue8 1. 3Purpose of the study9 Chapter 2 Literature Review10 2. 1Loyalty Measures10 2. 1. 1Price Premium11 2. 2Preceived Quality/Loyalty Measures11 2. 3Association/Differentiation Measures12 2. 4Awareness Measures12 2. 5Market Behavior Measures13 2. 5. 1Market Share13 2. 5. 2Price and Distribution Indices13 Chapter 3 Methodology15 3. 1 Sample Design15 3. 2 Questionnaire Design15 3. 3 Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS)16 3. 3. 1Reverse Scoring17 . 3. 2Cronbachs Alpha Reliability Analysis17 3. 3. 3Mean and Standard Deviation18 3. 3. 4Crosstab Test19 3. 4 Focus Group19 3. 5 Data Analysis19 Chapter 4 Results21 4. 1 Sample and Decriptive Statistics21 4. 2 Cronbachs Alpha Reliability Analysis21 4. 3 Mean and Standard Deviation22 4. 4 Crosstab Test23 4. 5 Loyalty24 4. 5. 1Price Premium24 4. 5. 2Cronbachs Alpha Relia bility Analysis24 4. 6 Preceived Quality/Leadership25 4. 6. 1Preceived Quality25 4. 6. 2Leadership25 4. 7 Association/Differentiation26 4. 7. 1Preceived Value26 4. 7. 2Personality27 4. 7. 3Organization27 4. 7. 4Differentiation28 4. 8 Awareness28 4. 8. Brand Awareness28 4. 9 Focus Group29 4. 10 Market Behavior33 4. 10. 1. Market Share33 4. 10. 2Price Distribution Indices34 Chapter 5 Analysis36 5. 1 Mean Analysis36 5. 2 Crosstab Test Analysis36 5. 2. 1Loyalty37 5. 2. 2Preceived Quality/Leadership38 5. 2. 3Associations/Differentiation38 5. 2. 4Awareness39 5. 2. 5Market Behavior40 Chapter 6 Discussion42 6. 1 Questionnaire Setting42 6. 2 Information Collection42 6. We will compose a custom paper test on Sea Park Brand Equity or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 3 SPSS †Data Entry and Output43 6. 4 Result Analysis44 Chapter 7 Conclusions and Recommendations45 7. 1 Conclusions45 7. 2 Recommendations46 7. 2. 1Questionnaire Setting46 7. 2. 2Information Collection46 7. 2. SPSS †Data Entry and Output47 7. 2. 4Result analysis47 7. 2. 4Methodologies47 Reference49 Appendixes52 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am really tank to Mr. Nicholas Tam for supporting me constantly and spending numerous hours on my last year venture. This was completely valued that he gave numerous expert and helpful advices and proposals to me. Else, I might likewise want to says thanks to Mr. C. N. Lo as my subsequent marker and give me recommendation to improve my task. Conceptual Ocean Park Hong Kong is a home-developed fortune. It is additionally one of the most well known event congregations on the planet, giving instructive, protection and amusement. Sea Park Hong Kong has carried happiness to nearby and abroad guests all through her 30-year history. She gives everybody access Hong Kong has an exceptional and vital encounters. In these 30 years, it encountered numerous effects that are happened by outside and within the association. They likewise recorded a shortfall for a specific years. Be that as it may, it was completed the upsets constantly. A while later, the business is as yet running. As of late, some data showed that the positioning of the most famous carnival of the world, which is the Ocean Park Hong Kong higher than Hong Kong Disneyland. At last, through review, center gathering meeting and brands execution measures, to infer that the brand value of Ocean Park was better. Better administration, better quality, develops client dependability. Part I †INTRODUCTION Ocean Park is one of the amusement stops in Hong Kong. â€Å"Marine† is the dominant part subject of the recreation center. It is situated at the Southern District of Hong Kong, and it was opened on 10 January 1977. It was built at a land conceded by the administration, and afterward the subsidizing of development is allowed by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (HKJC), and it additionally worked by HKJC. In January 1979, Ocean Park presented a Killer Whale for the guests. It turns into a one of the selling purposes of the recreation center. In the initiation stage, there isn't sufficient delight rides for the general population. In any case, there was extended their size of the recreation center, and expanded significantly more entertainment rides into the recreation center. The working capital of Ocean Park was relies upon the income from tickets and gift from HKJC in prior stage. It additionally has a noteworthy shortage for quite a while in light of the fact that the cost is determined to the low side. In 1 July 1987, the â€Å"Ocean Park Ordinance† is comprised by the administration. HKJC will allowed that they are set up the trust with $200M subsidizing. In this time, Ocean Park turns into a non-benefit making association and requirements to self-account. The recreation center changed their business to business arranged, and expanding its ticket cost. In this way, the recreation center improved its monetary conditions to be sure. In 1998, the recreation center recorded shortfall again brought about by certain variables, for example, East Asian Financial Crisis. In spite of the fact that it got 2 pandas from China, it despite everything couldn't build the visitor’s fascination of the recreation center. The recreation center likewise shut the water attractions and the Middle Kingdom. And afterward, it presented greater beguilement ascends for guests particularly for the young people, for example, the Abyss Turbo Drop and the Mine Train. In Fiscal Year 2004/2005, there are in excess of 4 million guests during a year. This is restoring the record since the recreation center is opened. It is caused that PRC government actualized the â€Å"Individual Visit Scheme† under CEPA. Sea Park uncovered its redevelopment plan in 2005, which will overhauls the quality and accessibility of highlights at the recreation center. This is reaction the effects from the opening of Disneyland. Sea Park is additionally held a weighty service for its redevelopment venture in November of 2006. As indicated by the Attraction Attendance 2008 discharges by Economics Research Associates (ERA) and Themed Entertainment Association (TEA) on 16 April, Ocean Park is the world’s number 15 amusement park, Asia’s fifth amusement park (Judith Rubin, 2009). (Reference section 1b) 1. Industry Background The travel industry is one of the four key businesses in the Hong Kong economy. There were two kinds of the travel industry which were inbound the travel industry and outbound. For inbound the travel industry, there were 5 gatherings of sub-ventures which included retail exchange, inns and lodgings, Restaurants, Cross-limit traveler transport administrations and others. The worth included of the travel industry in 2006 and 2007 were HK$45,300 Million and HK$52,300 Million. There was expanded around 14% from 2006 to 2007. Also, the work in this industry in 2006 and 2007 was 176,300 and 193,800. There was expanded around over 8% from 2006 to 2007 (Census and Statistics Department, HKSAR, 2009). (Informative supplement 9) In request to help the poor financial condition, Hong Kong government was given some supporting tasks to the travel industry, for example, â€Å"the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)† and â€Å"Individual Visit Scheme†. These activities both were helped out PRC. Sea Park is one of the participators in the entertainment mecca showcase. Its significant rival is Hong Kong Disneyland. Before Disneyland included its business in Hong Kong, Ocean Park was the only one participator in this market during the other entertainment meccas were shut their business, for example, Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park. Then again, the event congregation from neighbor nation ought to likewise be the significant contenders for Ocean Park, for example, Happy Valley from Shenzhen, PRC. As a renowned milestone of Hong Kong, Ocean Park was an effective organization in this industry. As per the Attraction Attendance 2008, the 2008 participation was equivalent to 5. 03 Million. It was a main brand of the entertainment mecca showcase (Judith Rubin, 2009) (Appendix 1b). Taking everything into account, Ocean Park ought to catch the open door got from expanding participation and the supporting from government, and center its fitness for confronting the danger produced by escalated rivalry from the neighbor nation. 2. Articulation of issue In past specific years, Ocean Park confronted impacts in various timeframe, for instance, East Asian Financial Crisis, SARS, and outside condition. For the budgetary issue, Ocean Park was confronted the money related pain on past specific years particularly for the East Asian monetary emergency. Plus, for the outer natural issue, Ocean Park ought to likewise be looked to the new participants of Hong Kong entertainment mecca advertise that was Disneyland. Sea Park was a household renowned brand in Hong Kong. Then again, Disneyland was a global acclaimed brand. The general size of association of Ocean Park ought to be littler than Disneyland. 3. Reason for the investigation Propose of this examination is to comprehend customer’s brand value of Ocean Park. A consequence of poll review is to determine the sources (Brand Equity Ten) of brand value of Ocean Park. Base on the discoveries of the review, suggest that the basic achievement factor of the amusement park. Section II †LITERATURE REVIEW The Brand Equity Ten will apply in this investigation, which is a successful strategy to assess brand value. Ten arrangements of measures assembled into five classifications, are appeared in Table 1. The initial four classifications are to gauge client view of the brand. The four classes of brand value are including reliability, saw quality, affiliations, and mindfulness. The last class is to gather data from the market based data instead of straightforwardly from clients (D. Aaker, 1996). 1. Unwaveringness Measures Since it is currently generally perceived that it is significantly less exorbitant and substantially more gainful to continue existing clients than to win new ones, client maintenance become a significant objective for most associations. On a basic level its straightforward: you simply need to keep your current client (N. Slope, J. Alexander, 2006). The Hong Kong entertainment mecca industry was made a syndication faithfulness during

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